NeurOptimum: a local clinic committed to your overall well-being
Sonia Roy
With a primary clientele of people suffering from neuro-musculo-skeletal pain, the NeurOptimum clinic, located on Saint-René Boulevard West in Gatineau, also specializes in the chiropractic care of certain more complex chronic and neurological conditions. The clinic having officially opened its doors in November 2021, it’s a team of young, dynamic and passionate professionals that awaits you. Dominic André, NeurOptimum's chiropractor and owner, holds an undergraduate doctorate degree in Chiropractic from the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières and continues to specialize in his profession, notably by pursuing his studies in order to obtain a DACNB (Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Neurology Board) certification in clinical neuroscience. His colleague, Dr. Heidi Gagné-Montcalm, holds an undergraduate doctorate degree in Chiropractic from the same university, as well as a Bachelor of Health Sciences degree from the University of Ottawa. Between them, Dr. André and Dr. Gagné-Montcalm offer a wide range of therapies adapted to your needs, including spinal and joint manipulations, cold laser therapy, trigger point therapy, as well as rehabilitation exercises as needed. NeurOptimum's therapies can be used to treat herniated, painful or degenerative discs, neuropathic pain, cervical osteoarthritis, lumbar osteoarthritis, and spinal foraminal stenosis. People suffering from pain due to sports injuries, pain in the upper or lower limbs or of the after-effects of a concussion are also suitable candidates for the therapies offered by the clinic. The mission of the NeurOptimum clinic is based on the latest methods and data in chiropractic treatment: "to provide superior care, education and support for the individual in his or her recovery, working together in an interdisciplinary manner, in order to allow for an active and functional life in optimal conditions and without pain”.
An interdisciplinary approach adapted to the patient
NeurOptimum's professionals use an interdisciplinary approach to their interventions, which focuses on a patient-centered vision of care. This approach is based on a biopsychosocial conceptualization of the human being and a global understanding of health and its impact on the individual. Thus, patients at the NeurOptimum clinic are called upon to actively participate in their treatment by working on all aspects of their condition (lifestyle changes, active lifestyle, rehabilitation exercises, etc.). Intrigued by NeurOptimum? You can visit the clinic's online appointment platform at the following link:, or by calling (819) 243-4414.
Photo caption: Doctor Dominic André in his clinic
Photo credit: Taken from NeurOptimum's Facebook page