2025 Letters

Gatineau councillor interviews: where is the English?

2024 Letters

Sex workers denounce the curfew
Paid sick leave?
100 highest paid directors?
The Minister of Anglicisation
Canadian Trucking Alliance statement to those engaged in road/border protests
Exclusionary zoning
Anti-Semitic vs Anti-Arab (racism)?
Change now to avoid climate catastrophe
The mayor who laughed too loud
Future of city hall behind the ugly veil of politics
Next mayor: please, will Gatineau have quality candidates?
The Lemon Award!: Reflections on municipal taxation, here the case of Gatineau
Public bus system: why so broken, Gatineau?
Is it time to say ‘Au revoir’ to Quebec?
Questions for mayor candidates
All Quebecers have a responsibility to preserve, protect and promote the French language
How to get a newspaper rack?
Garbage disposal exhibition Gatineau 2024
Residents' associations: Get your news published for free!
“Community” - the definition of Association
Donation for the newspaper
Mayoral race off the rails: we need city leaders
Loved the open house at Archives Canada
Editorial about hate, a timely reminder
Editorial apology on hate, a response from a soldier
Concerned about health care and un-equal access
Flooding, local damage and climate change
New research underway in Quebec related to Multiple Sclerosis
Garbage pickup confusing
Back to School - Share the Sidewalks!
Looking for Gatineau Bulletin archives
Waste at the du Versant High School
It’s time to tackle corporate greed
Where to find information about city changes?
Gatineau trees so spindly, how is this a step towards progress?

2023 Letters

Heartbreaking sketchbook spotlights family separation
Spy balloons? Or drumming up war-fever?
This grandfather sets the record straight ...
Federal defence of the Official Language Act?
Letter to the editor about CHSLD Lionel-Émond
Question from reader: why is City Council not coming to neighbourhoods for meetings anymore?
Stop anti-larvae spraying in our marshes!
Canadian Party of Quebec calls on feds to disallow Bill 96
Bothsidesism is killing us
Canada wants Digital Nomads, too
Chalk River dump still threatens Aylmer, Gatineau, Ottawa
Hello, 21st century! The CBC.
Reduce inflation by paying less!
If you can't convince them, abuse them?
Stephen Harper & the Moonies
Housing issue high
Reduce inflation by paying less!
What else can we do with radioactive water?
City finances alarming
Dismayed that NCC closes parkways
43 conservation volunteers!
Thank you to the staff at the Hôpital de Hull
Action against overdoses & a new report
International Overdose Awareness Week
Letters to the Editor Guidelines:
Are federal MPs spreading the Bomb?
If you think MPs do little ....
Demande en contestation constitutionnelle ...
City-planning without conspiracy-building?
Google responds:  Bill C-18 (the Online News Act) is now law  
Thank you for the newspaper and no to spraying insecticides
People and Planet vs Polluters
City tax freeze for seniors, please
Tramway study discredited
Ukraine face-off: USA vs Russia
"Wake up, CBC"!
Responding to university programs article

2022 Letters

Yay freethinkers! (2)
We need support!
Open letter about school bus service
Become a Connexions Board Member!
Radioactive dump hearings soon
To watch the nuclear dump hearings ...
Canada, from constitutional monarchy to constitutional democracy 
Mega hospital or a good hospital?
We can do something about high prices
‘Whataboutism,’ Is There Such a Thing?
Reinstatement of English language debate?
Celebrating Gatineau's 20th Anniversary?
The tenth of shame
Political extremism from the politicians
Is this racism in Quebec?
Immigration, not a one way street
Quebec's Liberal party is playing politics with my son's education
Pierre Polievre must take the high road
New Hospital: what's in it for us?
Monument re Law 96
The cost to taxpayers of the Royal Family up 245%
Bubbles and fish fingers 
It’s time for national standards for long-term and home care 
Overcoming the ecological crisis : public transit (1)
June is National Pollinators Month