Gatineau reports normal water levels and low risk of flooding this spring
Sophie Demers
Since the 2017 spring floods, Gatineau closely monitors the water levels and weather forecasts to be prepared for potential spring flooding.
Gatineau reports that with the current temperatures and the snow melting gradually, the risks remain low for spring flooding, but that the situation may change if there is a large amount of rain or changes in temperatures. Dam managers have confirmed that there have been little challenges in the management of reservoirs and dams.
Although the current water level is not concerning, the city is prepared if levels change. Gatineau has 27,500 bags filled with sand and 200,000 empty bags in stock if they are needed. Additionally, there are two bagging machines that can fill approximately 10,000 sandbags per day.
Gatineau notes that they stay in communication with the Ministry of Public Security (MSP), the Ottawa River Regulation Planning Commission (CPRRO) and Hydro-Québec.
“Municipal services are ready and the mechanisms are in place to anticipate and intervene quickly, if necessary,” said France Bélisle, Gatineau mayor.
Residents who live in flood zones should be prepared in case there are weather or water level changes. The city recommends citizens ensure the water from the gutters flows away from the house and is at an appropriate distance from the residence. Valuables and important documents should not be stored in the basement. Gatineau residents should check the condition of their pumps and floor drains to ensure they will be effective in the event of flooding.
Emergency kits are strongly encouraged for those in flood zones. A basic emergency kit should last 72 hours and should include two liters of water per person per day, food that won’t spoil, can opener, wind-up or battery-powered flashlight and radio, extra batteries, first-aid kit, extra keys for cars and houses, cash and important family documents. For more information on preparing for a flood, individuals can visit
The public can stay up to date on Gatineau flooding updates and preparation recommendations by visiting